Thursday, September 10, 2009

First blog post EVER!

Hey Guys!! How much fun is this gonna be?! I am a brand new blogger, and I am so excited! I assume you are probably wondering what my blog is about so I will tell you! Ok people, now it's time to get real and be brutal. My blog is entitled "Love Stinks", and it will discuss anything that relates to males and females and their "romantic" endeavors. I am blunt and honest and I tell it like it is. All of my girlfriends ALWAYS come to me for any of their guy woes, and at times they can be so CLUELESS, but I enjoy filling them in. I have always been told that I "think like a guy"......I am assuming this is because I love the single life, have no strong urge to have kids and basically do not have an emotional bone in my body. I also don't over-analyze situations, get all nervous and weird around guys that I'm into, make prank phone calls "just to hear his voice" (OK, I only did that a couple times), cry because a guy doesn't like me back, go somewhere because "he might be there", web-stalk, car-stalk, on-foot-stalk or any of the other ridiculous things that us girls tend to do to boys or for boys. I am not constantly wandering the streets searching for someone to love me because, quite frankly, I love me enough already! I do not want this blog interpreted as "Christa's rant on why love and dating sucks boo hoo", but I would like to "counsel" my fellow 20-somethings and maybe shed some light on some matters in dating and otherwise (the "otherwise" being when a girl thinks she's in a relationship, but the guy totally doesn't, and this happens ALL THE TIME). It would be good to think of this blog as "The Truth about Romantic Mammals 101". It is sort of Carrie Bradshaw-ish, but I am much more cynical and spare no one's feelings. I personally just do not understand why some people, not all, turn romance/love into this big dramatic theatre piece. All I have to say is "Just cool it!". Lastly, and this is geared towards all of my fabulous ladies, just love yourself before you love anyone else, and don't be with a guy just to "be with a guy". Take it from me... being single and happy is the most empowering thing I think a woman can do! Lastly (for real this time), for the boys, read this blog because you might find out some very interesting things! Lastly (for both sexes) I will be posting MY personal dating shananigans which are always good for a laugh! Ok my peeps.... 3, 2, 1...Blast off! Let's get this Love Stinks blog started! Woo-hoo!

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