Friday, October 23, 2009

My masseuse/My bestfriend?

So.....for those of you who don't know...I am big on massages. They relieve stress and tension, and are very relaxing. I like to switch up my masseuse often. Each one is different, and I like to experience their different techniques. Now, is my question..I have been wondering what the answer is for awhile now. Why do I always become "besties" with my masseuse?!

This is my scenario....I walk into the room and think to myself, "I am not going to talk to my masseuse, I will lie there and enjoy the peace and quiet." But it never ends up that way.....My masseuse and I always turn into chatty kathy's.....then everytime we are silent it gets awkward and one of us starts up the convo again. I don't know why I can't just lie there and shut up?!

But at the same time, I love making new friends, and for some reason people just feel comfortable telling me their life story. For example, last night, I went for an awesome massage. The girl/woman who massaged me talked the entire time, and not just about anything, but about really personal stuff. But I liked it, it was interesting! So she's telling me about her mother in law...who is evil and hates her. But she pretends to like her. This little old lady is out to get her because she gets her and her husband to go to her house and do chores when she knows their busy. Then she tells me about how her own grandma is evil, and she has a theory that little old ladies from the "old country" (Europe) etc...are all evil because they don't understand the modern day woman. Then we talk about her son, and I guess I must have rudely cut her off or something because she says to me, "oh so you must not want kids hey?". I just laughed.....she was half-right.

Then the conversation turns to her husband, how they met, how old they were,15 (her mother in law hated her then too), how and where they got engaged, their wedding (ceremony and reception, King's Head, super cool), and her other married friends. She tells me about how her friends husband "sucks" and he never does stuff with his kids. Then we "went there" and started talking about how her husband is the only man she's dated/been intimate with, and I told her that I thought that was cute/weird/rare.
So needless to say, we were basically bestfriends by the end of my massage. Now this is only ONE example....but I swear it happens every single time, with different women who massage me.
Cool? Not Cool? I don't know.... I haven't decided yet.........Can anyone tell me if this is normal? If not....then why does it always happen to me?

I must also say that I was a little bit insulted when she didnt ask for my number to hang out sometime......I already knew her life story, and she already saw me half-clothed. It was a bestfriend match made in heaven......Oh well I guess I'll just wait until my next encounter with my "bestie"/masseuse.

1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous, you're so talkative and friendly, so it's easy for people to open up to you. I'm very shy so it's hard for me to talk to strangers, even ones who are just cutting my hair or doing my nails.

    I think it's a phenomena called "intimate strangers". People open up to people they don't know because there's no risk of it getting back to people she knows. She could talk about her mother-in-law all she wanted...and she would never know. :)
